Wednesday, March 9, 2011

About Telepathy

Hi friends welcome to the world of Telepathy. Firstly I wud like to tell my view abt telepathy. Telepathy is not a new technology we had invented infact it is a very old technology in which telepathetic sender sends his messages or thoughts through his power of concentration to sync with the receivers thoughts frequency.
There are three types of telepathy: Mental, Intuitional and Instincutal.

The most basic form of telepathy, common to almost all species, is instincutal telepathy. Involving mostly images, feelings and concepts, instinctual telepathy is considered simple and easily learned.

The intermediate form of telepathy, a little less common, is intuitional telepathy. It's a form of telepathy that takes root in physical sychronization. For an example, knowing whose on the phone or suddenly realizing that a person you know needs something to eat. Unlike true intution or precognition, intutional telepathy is a synchronization of two or more people, either physically or mentally. It's the ability to transfer information across great distances, almost instantly or delayed (like e-mail). With intuitional telepathy, a person can transfer information across distance and time.

The most complex form of telepathy is mental telepathy. It's the ability seen in X-Men, Static Shock and other childhood cartoons. If telepathy is dicussed, it's the mental form that most people think about. These types of telepaths have a tendency to hear voices. If developed, a mental telepath could influence thoughts or possibly alter memories.

Commonly, many telepaths are a blend of all three types, but you get one or two that are only one or two of them. For the most part, I'm an instintual telepath, but I blend into the other two sometime
I hope this chart can really be useful for the readers who would like to grow spiritually.
Dear friends being an Indian we had heard the mystic powers of yogis and sadhus at ancient times  in  tetrayug,krutayug and dwaparayug. great sadhus like parusharam,viswamitra and many others they already had this type of power attaining all theese types of telepathy like  Mental, Intuitional and Instincutal. they had attained all theese due to immense concentration and having a capability of converting their conciousness to any form. all theese happened due to their continous practice of meditation. so friends there are many things to know in this realm.Telepathy is a kind of communication system similar and most advanced technology which was once used by our ancient people. To make this subject easier I wud like to explain this from my view.
Take the example of earth everthing is made from five elements like  water, air,fire ,land,universe These are called panchathathwas. now a days communication technology materials are also made from theese panchathathwas ... and we can able to communicate with one person to another person by using this equipments like mobile,satellite internet etc which are made by panchathathwas... and coming to the point of telepathy it is runned between two or more persons wid the help of certain waves produced during deep concentration to sync wid the other persons frequencys. just like modern communication technology equipments needs electricity to transmit data like that telepathy also needs certain electricity which is produced inside our body. many people cant beleive this but it is true....I will continue to write about this topic after some time.

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