Monday, March 14, 2011

Inspirational Quotes

Here are Some quotes which can be useful ! A Man with Imagination is a man with Wings.
a)'Optimism is a philosophy',
b) Work and live enthusiastically.
c)  Practice Loving People
d) Talk actually speak, to the health forces within yourself
e) Expect Great things to Happen.
f) Where faith is fear cannot live.
g) Never settle for a failure. To do so is a serious blow to your self confidence.
h) One of the Most important skills you can cultivate is the ability to forget.
i) A single individual with a strong zealous determination can stimulate amazing forces which may become dominant,even when a vast majority disagrees.
j) Dont talk trouble
k)There is only one person with whom to compete and that is yourself.
l) Remember Thomas Edison's challenge: 'there is a better way. Find it'. 
m)Remember Ralph waldo Emerson's warning that a word is alive. By repeated use, It can either build or tear down.
n) The average person uses only a small fraction of his potential abilities
so Try to reach your full potential.
o) Hope has Expectancy in it.When expectancy goes to work-- Great things happen.
p) The True flavor ,the real fun,the continous excitement is in the process of making it rather than in having made it.
q)Think Joy,Talk joy,Practice Joy,Share Joy,
r)Difficulties can be and  often are blessings in disguise .
s)That which we constantly affirms has the tendency to take over in our thoughts and produce changed attitudes.
t) Many people suffering from unresolved fear find release and relief through the practice of courage and confidence.
u) One of the greatest blessings in this world is to have good ,and sound healthy-mindedness.The person who possess it is most fortunate.
v) It is always well to remember that a lost battle or two or three does not mean the war is lost.
w)The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age...never lose your enthusiasm...Thomas Huxley
x) The difference between Hope and Faith is Hope is wishing for a thing to come true-Faith is believing that it will come true. Choice is ours.
y)Life is a series of Surprises and would not be worth taking or keeping if it were not...Ralph Waldo Emerson
z)To be  Seventy years young is sometimes far more cheerful and hopeful than to be forty years old.

 1)  Constructive thought must necessarily be creative but creative thought must be harmonious.
 2)  Wealth is the Offspring of Power
 3)  Develop your power----Power is developed by exercise The exercise consists of Making an application of your knowledge.
4 If you want happiness for a life Time....Learn to Love what You do !
5) The affirmation that Im Whole,Perfect,Strong Powerful, Loving, Harmonious, & Happy will bring about Harmonious Conditions.
The reasons for this because the affirmation is in strict accordance with the truth and when truth appears every form of error or discord must necessarily disappear.
6) Visualization is the  Mechanism of the attachment which you require. The thing visualized will manifest itself in form.
7) The only way to get Love is to give Love.

8) Its always better to understand than that to be of understood
 9)  Thought is the connecting link between Infinite and Finite between the universal and the individual.
10)  Be aware of what you think always constantly create only positive Images in your mind.
11)  Think before you act.
12)  What we think is what we are...
13)  Hold a constant Positive Image so that it will always bring Good effects.
14)  Emotions forms thoughts and thoughts leads to action so think Good and receive Good.
15) The secret solution to every problem is to apply spiritual Truth.
16) There is no effect without and Adequate Cause.
17) The Gem cannot be polished without friction,nor man perfected without trials....Confucius
18) You can do amazing things if you have strong faith deep desire,and just hand in there.
19) No one ever lived a truly upbeat life without optimism working in his mind.
20) Wise Shakespeare tells us that 'a light heart lives long ., It seems that a happy spirit is a tonic for long life.
21) Take success gratefully.....Face failures phlegmatically-that is,with a 'so what?' attitude and aim to take life as it comes philosophically.
22)The best fact about every individual is the craving to be appreciated.
23)Who you are will always be consistent with who you think you are.
24)Stronger than willpower is imagination. The word might be pronounced imaging.This means the projections of mental images or pictures of a desired outcome.
25)The world is a looking-glass,and glass gives back to everyman the reflection of his own always think Possibility Positive.

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